Life Cycles Bulletin-Board
The Book of Australian Minibeasts
Mini Beast Pack
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Life Cycles Bulletin-Board
An easy-to-use photographic reference to help children identify the correct sequence for the stages in the life cycles of a frog, a butterfly and a sunflower. The interactive, easy-to-manipulate design provides numerous ways to present information. Includes an activity guide offering academic vocabulary with definitions, display ideas, classroom activities and related learning standards.
48 pieces.
Giant Inflatable Insects
These eye-catching, super-sized insects will fascinate your students and help them learn about nature! The realistic details of the ladybug, dragonfly, ant, bee and grasshopper are based on insect field guides.
Five large inflatable insects, repair kit and activity guide. Largest insect 660 mm L x 750 mm H.
The Book of Australian Minibeasts
Australia is a large country with a wide range of climates and habitats. Our island continent is home to a wide range of invertebrates, some of which are not found anywhere else on Earth.
Softcover. Full colour. 64 pp.